Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our lady of E Pluribus Unum

An image I caught in the window of the Sunflower Market, who so graciously hosted the Axle Contemporary E pluribus Unum project.
Roughly translated from Latin "From Many One". My own mind can only handle the notion for brief seconds before it gets caught up into a field of reveries that is just too vast.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Embrace that which we are embedded in.

3 things we have little direct control over; people places and things.
One thing that we do have some control over, our self generated project,
 the problem/challenge/process that we have enough interest in to want to resolve, 
to put our creative and  unique energy into.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's a new year

rumors and predictions of apocalypse and clearly some big paradigm shifts on the horizon.
Is focused reveries the only appropriate first response?