Tuesday, July 19, 2016

please go to my more recent blog site - https://jerrywellman.wordpress.com/

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Our lady of E Pluribus Unum

An image I caught in the window of the Sunflower Market, who so graciously hosted the Axle Contemporary E pluribus Unum project.
Roughly translated from Latin "From Many One". My own mind can only handle the notion for brief seconds before it gets caught up into a field of reveries that is just too vast.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Embrace that which we are embedded in.

3 things we have little direct control over; people places and things.
One thing that we do have some control over, our self generated project,
 the problem/challenge/process that we have enough interest in to want to resolve, 
to put our creative and  unique energy into.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's a new year

rumors and predictions of apocalypse and clearly some big paradigm shifts on the horizon.
Is focused reveries the only appropriate first response?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gaston Bachelard was a literary critic and a phenomenologist. His writing investigates poetics and promotes the creative power gained through  "focused" reverie. My work takes this into the visual realm.  In our reveries we are sovereign. In our reveries lie untold treasure. Each reverie is a pure start, all over again.  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chaco continues to provide

Visited Chaco Historical Site this week, two nights and 3 days. A great spot for inducing and promoting poetic reveries. So many mysteries surrounding this obviously important Chacoan site - compounded by their clearly obvious reverence for the sun moon and stars.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Elixir: patience

Elixir, the purity of substance requires great patience.
Each reverie is a pure start, all over again.
Verification if it is needed at all, is in the act of starting again.
The elixir is in that great patience.

For all of us, patience, and its etymological ally, peace,
and the derived power to start again.