Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gaston Bachelard was a literary critic and a phenomenologist. His writing investigates poetics and promotes the creative power gained through  "focused" reverie. My work takes this into the visual realm.  In our reveries we are sovereign. In our reveries lie untold treasure. Each reverie is a pure start, all over again.  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chaco continues to provide

Visited Chaco Historical Site this week, two nights and 3 days. A great spot for inducing and promoting poetic reveries. So many mysteries surrounding this obviously important Chacoan site - compounded by their clearly obvious reverence for the sun moon and stars.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Elixir: patience

Elixir, the purity of substance requires great patience.
Each reverie is a pure start, all over again.
Verification if it is needed at all, is in the act of starting again.
The elixir is in that great patience.

For all of us, patience, and its etymological ally, peace,
and the derived power to start again.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

key opens reciprocal outside/in

Jerry Wellman

The box is opened and a mingling begins
Locked in the box or container, the necklace that speaks of love, or is it power, or fate? 
It increases its' resonance the closer we listen.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

focused daydream poetics

An applied poetics, (I am not speaking of poetry per se)  as a discipline to be focused and directed toward governance, commerce, economics and distribution. Why did they never send a poet to the moon?

How would the reveries issued by law makers and CEO's  read?

Tremendously revealing I am sure, that is if they can even find the place of daydreams anymore. And that, too, would be tremendously revealing.

see the video of the 4th in the series; 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Art inspired by Bachelard at Site Santa Fe

second day see video

Gaston Bachelard comes through again. From the Poetics of Reverie. Jerry Wellman paints on the portable exterior wall of Axle Contemporary Gallery outside Site Santa Fe.

Art inspired by Bachelard on Canyon Road Santa Fe NM

The first day went well. See Matthew read Jules Superveille as it was written, in French,

Poetics en plein air, art created on Canyon Road, Santa Fe day one

Saturday, June 4, 2011

first day for poetics en plein air

Tomorrow is the first day of the Poetics en plein air "endeavor".  Had a practice run with Matthew, ink all over my hands, my crude stick dipped in ink technique doesn't work so well on the verticle plane.

Tomorrow I'll bring some brushes and some manufactured pens.
I am looking forward to the challenge and flow.

I am currently re-reading Blanchot, with a stack of about 20 books to gather some muse energy.
Suggestions are hereby welcome. Imagistic poetry, phenomenological and epistemological  inquiry, mindfulness, cognition, and what have you that inspires one to be creative.
At this moment I am thinking jazz for aural inspiration, but the musical soundtrack of the moment is very subject to change.

I will be videotaping and putting it up here or on

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Poetics en plein air

Axle Contemporary gallery will have a live component. Just like those artists dressed in cowboy hats painting on Canyon Road, I will do my own interpretation of plein air. I will more likely wear a fedora
and instead of staring off into the vastness I will gather the vastness from my reading books of poetry, philosophy, criticism, psychology or what ever strikes me.  I will video tape as I read aloud  and visually interpret from the text. My first book will be one of my favorites "The Poetics of Space" by Gaston Bachelard .  I will begin on Sunday June 5 on the aforementioned, historic Canyon Road, close to Ernesto Mayan's Gallery.
--Jerry Wellman